Thank Goodness Blueberries Were On Sale – Part 2

12 08 2008

The delicious blueberry recipes continue and this one is my best yet! I even got a high five from WF! The recipe for Blueberry Zucchini Bread can be found on and is so easy and so delicious! I have tasted zucchini bread once before (never baked it) and it tasted okay. The great thing about this bread is you can barely taste the zucchini, but it gives just enough so you know it’s there. I was literally pacing in the kitchen waiting for this to be done because it smelled so delicious and I was so impressed with myself that it actually looked like a bread as I baked it.

I started by shredding the zucchini.

This produced a lot of zucchini juice which I wasn’t sure what to do with. I squeezed some of it out of the shredded piles, leaving this green liquid on the plate. For the most part though, I didn’t worry about it.

Looks good, right? That 2 cups of shredded zucchini was folded into the rest of the wet ingredients. Next all the dry ingredients were mixed in and finally, it was time to fold in the beautiful blueberries.

Yummy. All of this was poured into a loaf pan. The recipe calls for 4 mini loaf pans which I don’t have. So I poured the batter into what I do have and it filled the entire pan. I decided this would not be a good idea, so I spooned half out and just cooked the first loaf on its own.

About 50 minutes later, a beautiful blueberry zucchini bread emerged. This first pan I greased with just butter thinking a non-stick pan wouldn’t need much help. I was wrong.

I slipped the straggler pieces out of the pan and just laid it onto the bottom of the loaf. Good as new. The second loaf took about an hour (more batter) and came out looking a lot better. I lined the bottom of the pan with parchment and it came out perfectly!

This is the best thing I’ve made so far and it’s definitely my favorite. The bread is moist and dense with the fabulous fresh blueberries… heaven! WF and I have almost finished one of the loaves and they’ve only been out of the oven for 4 hours!

For ingredient substitutions (like applesauce) and other variations check out the site user comments.

Thank Goodness Blueberries Were On Sale – Part 1

12 08 2008


I would have bought them anyway, but it just helped that they were on sale. I bought 4 pints of fresh blueberries to make 2 recipes this week. Yesterday I made the first (Blueberry Crumb Bars) and today I made the second (Blueberry Zucchini Bread – see it here). I’ve baked blueberry muffins with the canned berries a million times. But I’ve never made anything with fresh berries so I was pretty excited.

The first recipe, Blueberry Crumb Bars, I found on Smitten Kitchen. They found it on You can get the link to the recipe at the Smitten Kitchen. To my relief, this recipe was suprisinly easy and came out very well!

I was able to use my pastry cutter to combine the butter and egg with the dry ingredients.

I also got to use my zester/scoring tool (working on getting that microplane) to add lemon zest to the batter. This made my kitchen smell fabulous!

Patting the crumbly dough into the baking dish. Oh look, my ring! I’ve only had it a few months, so I’m still kind of obsessed with it.

Adding fresh squeezed lemon juice to the sugary syrup that gets folded in with the blueberries.

Layering the blueberries…

…and the rest of the crumbly dough. Then into the oven to bake into blueberry crumb goodness.

I mean… it’s beautiful. And it tastes amazing. I’m sending half of the dish to work with WF because the two of us can’t finish everything I bake (sadly).

UP NEXT: Blueberry Zucchini Bread (which is baking while I blog) and Bloody Mary Flank Steak (which is marinating as well!) with Parmesan Taters and Corn on the Cob

Remarkable Red Velvet

6 08 2008

This post is long. But as you’ll read, I’m a first timer on ALL of this. I have a lot to say too 😛

I shared this new blog with WF and he immediately had some requests. The first request is currently in the “research stage” and will be completed and blogged soon. WF’s second request is Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Honestly, I don’t think he cares much about the cake, it’s more the cream cheese frosting he likes. I’ve had Red Velvet Cake once and it was at his grandmother’s birthday and I think it was store bought. WF raves about the frosting. We bought a can of pre-made cream cheese frosting once (he was so excited) but of course the canned version seriously disappointed. So, since cream cheese frosting is traditionally paired with Red Velvet Cake (as far as I know, anyway), that is what I am making today.

I set out looking for a recipe and found a list of several here. A nice variety, but none that struck my Red Velvet fancy. Shortening, anyone? A further google search yielded this recipe from Joy of

I have never made a cake from scratch so I was REALLY nervous and apparently unprepared. There were several ingredients in this recipe that I have never purchased let alone looked at in a grocery store. Let’s take cake flour. I didn’t know it existed until now. The first grocery store I tried had a million kinds of flour and cornmeal — who knew?! I usually go straight for the good ole’ all-purpose. What that means, I don’t know. But it worked in my cookies from the other day… so anyway, I found the cake flour and then went searching for the “Dutch-processed” cocoa powder — whatever THAT means. I bought some Southern Home brand naturally unsweetened Baking Cocoa. Now, I don’t know if the Dutch had anything to do with my baking cocoa, but being from the south, I am inclined to trust the Southern Home folks. Next I found the buttermilk and heavy whipping cream, but just barely. I took the last two 1/2 pints of the whipping cream and prayed that I correctly remembered a  pint = 2 cups and not one. And then I finally found mascarpone cheese at the second grocery store I visited — apparently it’s not in high demand in Greer, SC and you have to drive the 5 extra minutes into the city limits of Greenville to find it. Anyway, I’m excited to use mascarpone because Rachel Ray and Giada De Laurentiis use it all the time and I like to imagine Giada saying “mascarpone” in her overdone “Italian” accent and then make fun of her in my head. I mean, maybe that really is how they say it in Italy, but come on Giada, is it necessary? It’s not like you are speaking Italian for the rest of the show. Why not just say everything with an Italian accent since you’re so authentic. Let’s pick a language and an accent and stick with it okay? I love watching her show.

ANYWAY, back to the ingredient scavenger hunt. The last ingredient I needed to find proved to be the most difficult: LIQUID red food coloring. Apparently it doesn’t exist anymore. I felt sure I knew where to look in the store; on the baking aisle past the million types of flour and cornmeal and next to the boxed cake mixes. Food coloring was there, but only the gel kind. Gel food coloring? Never heard of it. I remember using liquid food coloring in my mom’s kitchen with my little brother like 15 years ago. We drip, drip, dripped that stuff into our own special concoctions that consisted of water, all-purpose flour, salt, any kind of spice we could fine, sugar (both granulated and brown). Gosh that stuff looked good, especially when we dripped some red, green, blue, and yellow coloring and turned it brown. Maybe there’s no more liquid food coloring in grocery store’s because my brother and I used the free world’s supply to make soupy mixtures that weren’t edible. Damn. Good times though. I bought this so-called food coloring in gel form, hoping and praying to the cake gods and God Himself that it would work.

Oh and did I mention that I didn’t have 2 9″ cake pans OR a cake stand? Well, I didn’t, until I went to Target. It kind of kills me a little to buy this stuff because WF and I registered for it all. We’re getting married in 3 months and I’m going to have three bridal showers and a couples party between now and then. I’m going to get this stuff, just not as soon as I now apparently need it. Oh well, I guess we’ll have 4 pans and 2 cake stands. That can’t be a bad thing, right?

Did I also mention I was very nervous about making this? There is so much precision needed when baking from scratch. It’s definitely not like baking from a box. Water, oil, eggs? Check. Stir it up and put in the pan? Check. No, baking from scratch requires real skill and I wasn’t sure I had it!

From the very begining I felt like I was gonna mess this up royally. The recipe calls for sifted cake flour. And then, you’re supposed to sift together the sifted cake flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Well, I don’t have a sifter… yet! (Come on registry gifts!)… so I didn’t really sift. I tried to sift the cake flour through a strainer type thing which kind of worked and I was able to see the effect of sifting but didn’t have the patience to ghetto-sift the rest of the stuff. It all went in and got stirred up.

Then, as usual (for me), the butter was not at room temperature. I’m just not a very good plan-aheader when it comes to baking. I like to just go in there and do it. So, as I usually do to make the butter “room temp”, I put the butter on the stove top of the preheating oven and let it warm up.

Luckily, the next steps in the recipe were easy. I did fight with the gel food coloring crap and again, prayed it would work. Then I read this “With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and buttermilk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour”. Okay, does that mean half the flour, all of the food coloring and the rest of the flour? In retrospect, probably yes. But I got so nervous! And baking is so precise! And in my flustered, nervous state I didn’t do it that way. I added the stuff in, like, 7 additions. Why could you not just say “With the mixer on low speed, add half the flour mixture, then add the buttermilk mixture, and finally add the remaining flour mixture”? That would really help the ‘cake-from-scratch-virgin’ feel a lot more comfortable with her first time!

Thankfully, after clearing the “alternating additions” hurdle, I got to do the cool baking soda and vinegar fizz thing and add that in to the red gooey mixture. All the beautiful mess went into 2 pans greased with butter and lined with – my favorite – parchment paper! I was so proud of myself too, because I got to use the cool trick of tracing the pan shape on the parchment first and then cutting it out so it fits perfectly. Thanks Food Network.

Then my handiwork went into the oven. Omg — it smelled so good while baking. I don’t know what it was, but it just smelled heavenly. I’ve never had that smell in my kitchen. It was better than any from the box cake! After cooking, I cooled them as directed and then did the other cool trick of placing the cooling rack on the cake pan and inverting. Another nod to Food Network. The cakes slid out nicely but I noticed a few possible flaws. There seemed to be some small dots of white around the edge — I guessed it was my unsifted dry ingredient mixture.

There was also a marbled effect on the bottom of the cakes, like my gel food coloring hadn’t exactly combined and now I was going to have some discoloration.

Only time would reveal the truth. And I would have to wait. The cakes are supposed to cool completely on the racks and then go into the freezer for about an hour. I was going to start the cream cheese frosting, but as you might guess, the cream and mascarpone cheeses were not at room temperature. I took them out of the fridge and waited.

When I couldn’t wait anymore, I starting mixing everything together. It was all pretty straight forward until I had to whip the whipping cream. It was cool to be doing something I’ve seen on the Food Network a million times, but I’m not sure I did it right. Take a look and someone please tell me, did I over-mix or under-mix?

After folding it all together, I had to wait – AGAIN. Apparently baking from scratch requires precision and patience. UGH

I was tired of waiting about an hour later and got to it. The icing probably needed to set a little longer, but by golly is it delicious anyway. I sliced through the cakes to make 4 layers. I think I did pretty good considering it was my first time. I also found that the possible issues from earlier (white dots and marbelization) really were no big deal.

One of the layers ended up with a hole somehow, but I just pushed the loose cake back in and started icing.

Not the prettiest job, but again, first timer!! I’m so proud of the way this whole thing came out. WF was totally impressed. He loved the cream cheese icing, and agreed with me that the cake was a little dry. All in all though, I’m very glad I took this on and very pleased with the results!

AND I found this event hosted by Laurie of quirky cupcake. So excited to submit my cake!

Childhood Chocolate Chip Cookies

4 08 2008

I’ve been helping my mom in the kitchen since I was probably 5 years old. But one of the first things I remember baking on my own is chocolate chip cookies. I was probably 9 or 10 when I baked my first batch and I’ve loved making them ever since. Anytime I need to bring a dessert to a party or get-together these cookies are my go-to winner. I’ve given these as Christmas and birthday gifts and they are always a big hit.

Having said all that, there is nothing speical about this recipe, in fact you’ve all probably seen it and baked it at least once. This recipe comes from the back of the Nestle® Toll House® chocolate chip package. I’m sure it’s not the “best” chocolate chip cookie recipe, but it holds a special place in my heart.

I have wanted to bake these since we moved into our new apartment now that I have all this time and a much bigger kitchen than before (which is sad). So, today is the day!


What you’ll need — minus the pretty yellow flowers.

Mix the dry ingredients. I know you’re jealous of my blue mixing bowls… they belonged to my WF and are the best I can do until we start getting gifts off our wedding registries. Same goes for the hand mixer you’ll see below. Can’t wait to get a stand mixer! Anyway, after mixing the dry ingredients, beat the wet ingredients in a separate bowl and then gradually combine. Add the chocolate chips and then it’s cookie time!

I have 2 choices of cookie droppers.  The one of the left is from Pampered Chef and the other is from Walmart.

I have 2 choices of cookie droppers. The one of the left is from Pampered Chef and the other is from Walmart.

The Pampered Chef dropper works well if you don't care about the shape of your cookie.  The small scoop gives the best round shape.

The Pampered Chef dropper works well if you don’t care about the shape of your cookie. The small scoop gives the best round shape.

Drop your cookies onto baking sheets with enough space for them to spread out

Drop your cookies onto baking sheets with enough space for them to spread out.

Beleive it or not, I just started using parchment paper about a year ago.  It was just never used in my house, but omg I LOVE it.

Beleive it or not, I just started using parchment paper about a year ago. It was just never used in my house, but omg I LOVE it.

Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown.  YUM

Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. YUM.

In addition to two regular baking sheets, I have a baking stone from Pampered Chef.

The cookies on this stone came out looking different and according to the WF they are chewy all the way around whereas the cookies baked on the sheet pans are chewy on the inside with a crispy edge. According to the WF )who is an engineer and so I am inclined to believe him on this ocassion) this is because the cookies on the stone probably received uniform heat… or something like that.

Cookies on the baking sheet -- how can I control myself for these pictures?  I want to eat!

Cookies on the baking sheet — I want to eat!

Cookies baked on the stone

Cookies baked on the stone

The delicious results

The delicious results!!


2 & 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup packed brown sugar (I used dark brown because I had it on hand)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 large eggs

2 cups Nestle Toll House semi-sweet morsels

This recipe calls for 1 cup of chopped nuts as well, but WF is allergic plus I don’t really like nuts in my cookies. BUT use them if you’d like.

Preheat oven to 375

Combine flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla in large bowl until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels (and nuts). Drop onto baking sheets.

Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 5 dozen cookies.